Tag Archives: Allan Kehrt

Fellow Seminars in April

AIA-NJ is offering a series of seminars will take place at the beginning of April to discuss the process of applying for Fellowship.   Allan Kehrt FAIA,who served on the AIA Jury of Fellows from 2008 to 2010 will lead each seminar and will answer questions with regard the process, the jury, and the submission itself.

All individuals who are considering applying for Fellowship either now or in the future are urged to attend.

There will be three seminars as follows:

Date: Location:

• April 9, 2013 at 5:00 pm: The office of Clarke Caton Hintz

100 Barrack Street

Trenton, New Jersey


•  CANCELLED – April 10, 2013 at 5:00 pm: The office of The Bannett Group

Cherry Hill, New Jersey


• April 11, 2013 at 5:00 pm: New Jersey Institute of Technology

AIA Room, School of Architecture

Newark, New Jersey


Questions please feel free to contact –

Allan Kehrt FAIA cell: 609-240-1364

or    akehrt@kssarchitects.com

Message From AIA-NJ Fellows Chair

Dear AIANJ members,

Over the past two years AIA New Jersey has had no one elevated to the AIA College of Fellows. As New Jersey’s new Regional Representative to the College, I’d like to initiate an effort to change that this coming year. As we all know there are many extraordinary AIANJ members who have contributed significantly to the profession for whom Fellowship would be a wonderful reflection of their achievements.

I had the extraordinary experience of serving on the AIA Jury of Fellows from 2008 through 2010, when I served as Chair. This is the seven member jury that reviews Fellowship submissions and is responsible for making the final elevation decisions. While more work than I could possibly have imagined at the start, it was one of the most intense and humbling experiences of my life. It left me with a sense of awe at what individuals within our profession are accomplishing. The AIA Jury of Fellows was the most well run, professional and fair process of selection than I could ever have imagined. After reviewing 660 submissions over the three years, it also left me with a deep understanding of the jury process, how it works, and what sort of submissions succeed. There are many individuals within our state who are deserving of this honor, we simply need to find them and assist them in their submissions.

To begin this effort I am going to put together a series of three identical seminars at regional locations around the state; it looks now that they will occur at the beginning of April. The seminars will be to meet potential candidates, help explain the process, discuss approaches and strategize how to work with them as they complete their applications. As the seminar times and ocations are finalized, they will be posted on the AIANJ website with additional information.

I am currently reaching out to other AIA Fellows in the state to both identify and help candidates with their applications. Please begin thinking about who might be a potential candidate.

Thank you.

Allan Kehrt FAIA AIA-NJ